I went from a mixed-up state, full of self-doubt after all the knock-backs to one of clarity, belief and optimism, all thanks to Reece. I closed a Multi-Year 6 figure contract, the single biggest contract win of my entire life and had I known in advance the difference it would make to my mindset, I would willingly have paid thousands for it.
The turnaround has been dramatic... Reece has a very quick but delicate way of scything to the truth of a situation and gives excellent and unbiased feedback. Our sales have climbed by an average 31% per month and we're in much better shape now as a business. We have a vision and we have a plan. Reece has helped us instigate change that has not only improved the prospects of our business but all those that work for it and with it.
Reece has transformed our business into a profitability, creating a blue-chip customer base and a team culture of high customer service... resulting in 95% of customers rating us good - excellent.
Reece has the enviable ability to direct a positive, constructive path from any situation. We think of him as a mentor and often refer to some of the concepts he taught us as 'Reece-isms'. His professionalism is 'second-to-none'.
Reece is a unique diamond in the world... he listens, observes and then questions before offering advice and suggestions, clearly he is a master in coaching for performance and rest assured, always gets results.
I've known Reece for over a decade... he has many outstanding attributes including highly attuned emotional intelligence, broad-spectrum business acumen, an insatiable appetite for helping others and is a powerhouse in strategic thinking.
I have seen firsthand how he (Reece) inspires people to raise performance and recall one initiative he led that resulted in £1.7m incremental sales income and turned a good performance into a great one.
NB. All of the following feedback can be supported with documented evidence but in the interest of personal privacy, full names have been kept confidential in this section.
"I wish I’d known Reece in my former corporate years. He’d have wiped the floor with some of the senior management I used to deal with!" Susie - Winchester, UK
“This is brilliant. We all want to fix bad habits and behaviours that hold us back, but here's an actual game plan... I absolutely love this! Your "From > To" exercise has really helped me. Thank YOU!” Jennifer - Miami, USA
"I went from a mixed up state, full of self-doubt after all the knock-backs to one of clarity, belief and optimism, all thanks to Reece’s special ‘FROM-TO’ method and not long after using it, I closed a Multi-Year 6 figure contract, the single biggest contract win of my entire life. Had I known in advance the difference it would make to my mindset, my negotiations and subsequently the client win, I would willingly have paid thousands for it”. Stephen - Florida, USA
“Thank you... I've been trapped in my own nonsense lately and need this physical aspect to bring me back to who I really am! Sincerest gratitude to you!” Carrie - Texas, USA
“Reece Pye, love, love, love this! So simple and yet so effective. Have my FROM-TO message set as my lock screen message on my phone” Karen - Fareham, UK
"It felt like you'd written FROM-TO specifically for me, then I realised that I am no different to anyone else. Generally, it's just that the happy people in life (the lucky people) just live a life of 'TO' whereas the depressed people (the unlucky people) live a life of 'FROM'. The world we all live in though , is in our minds so why not decide to live a positive one. I don't even have to refer to my From-To charts now because whenever I feel I'm being taken over by negative thoughts 'From-To' automatically pops into my head and gets me focusing on the 'To' aspects that are important to me" Russell - Eastleigh, UK
"The focus on Mind Management is a subject I know will benefit me immensely and I have already started using the From-To model with great success! Fantastic!” Chris - Preston, UK
“Reece helps you realise that you cannot control your surroundings but that you are still in control of how you react to your surroundings. This is a mentality that more people need in order to cope with any situation. Thanks Reece! Thank you so much! Thank you a million times over!” Leah - Austin, USA
“I am especially grateful for your assistance in helping me to become mentally strong. A simple yet effective way to manage our emotions. Thanks Reece Pye!” Lori - USA
“It’s quite a complex situation and one where I am struggling to understand how I should be feeling and what is most positive for me long term… have had to revert to the ‘From – To’ pages quite a bit I will be honest. It’s proving a huge help day to day!” David - Glasgow, UK
“I love the simplicity and intentionality behind your approach. It offers an opportunity to embrace a more helpful mind-set.” Kim - Guildford, UK
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